Where To Shop Locally For Plant Starts That Aren’t Home Depot

photo via citygrange.com

photo via citygrange.com

No°1 Sprout Home Chicago

There is a reason we sell our field guide’s with Sprout Home Chicago. This place is pure magic and is a great place to purchase garden plants, seeds, even homewares in their sister storefront across the street (where you’ll find our field guides). The staff is super friendly and the plants are always great quality.

What we’re buying: herbs and seeds

No° 2 City Grange

The best garden center that cares about sustainability as much as we do. They sell their starts in compostable pots, have a great arrangement of organic seedlings, they even sell locally made compost by Healthy Soil Compost. Best of all they offer delivery.

What we’re buying: organic by the six pack box sets, organic wellness garden


No° 3 Gethsemane Garden Center

This is the momma bear of garden centers in Chicago. If you are looking for a plant for your garden, you probably will be able to find it at Gethsemane. We have purchased many of our perennial plants that live in our garden today from Gethsemane. They have a huge selection of edible starts and the plants are in good shape. Another upside, they have parking.

What we’re buying: berries, fruit trees, edible flowers

No° 4 City Escape Garden Center and Design Studio

Most adored by their planters and fountains, City Escape Garden Center has a good selection of plant starts for your garden too. This shop is a beautiful place to enjoy the sites and get inspiration for your home garden oasis. Another upside, they have parking.

What we’re buying: terra cotta pots, flowers

No°5 Adam and Sons Gardens

We love the staff at Adam and Sons. They have a large selection of essentials for the garden and they even sell some fruit trees too. They sell all of their plant starts at a great price. While your’e at it, grab a couple house plants at check out too.

What we’re buying: herbs, chilies, tomatoes

No° 6 The Farmer’s Market

Why take an extra trip? Your local farmer’s market often will sell plant starts too. If you can’t find what you are looking for, just ask the farmer, sometimes they can arrange to bring you a plant start even if you don’t see it at the market that day.

What we’re buying: eggplant, chilies, tomatoes

Amanda McLemore · Editor-In-Chief

Amanda McLemore has been editor-in-chief at Baguette and Butter since 2010.

Born and raised in Detroit, MI, Amanda was always drawn to food. She observed how it had the power to bring people together, help us grieve the loss of a loved one, and nourish and repair us from within. The more she learned about food and cooking it the more curious she became on how it was grown and where her food was coming from.

In 2016, Amanda McLemore gave up the grocery store for an entire year to see if it was possible to better connect with the local food grown within and around her city. In this year she learned much about growing her own food, sourcing local and packaged free ingredients and how to preserve the seasons; all for her health and the health of the planet.



Radish Top and Green Garlic Chimichurri


Lemon Cream Dressing Flecked with Garden Herbs